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Children & Families

GraceLife Kids

Fun-filled Gatherings

Our GraceLife Kids gather week after week excited about their faith and excited about their church. They experience a fun-filled, engaging gathering that draws kids in to hear the good news of Jesus. And through it all they are affirmed and encouraged in their own faith. It's exciting to see.

GraceLife Kids

Faith-building Activities

Our kids get excited not only about what they're learning at GraceLife but how they are learning it. We engage them in their own spiritual journey with fun-filled activities. Our teachers are well-vetted and spiritually motivated. Best of all, they love to teach kids about the love of Jesus. 

GraceLife Kids

Family-affirming teaching

We recognize the influence of a family will always be greater than the influence of a church. If we want to impact kids spiritually, we equip the most powerful, influential people in a child’s life – their families. 

To learn more, contact our

Family Ministries Director

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